26th January, a date of reminiscence from the past when India declared about being a sovereign republic. This 2022 our country India will be celebrating its 73rd R- Day.

On this day in 1950, after a lot of deliberations & modifications the Constitution of India came into force to celebrate the Republic Day for the country. It was an utmost circumspection that became necessary for our country at that time to pass over a resolution where various handwritten copies in English and Hindi were signed by 308 members of the Assembly on 24th January, 1950. The step had to be taken because India did not have a permanent constitution. All the rules were always based on a modified colonial act – The Government of India 1935. India needed its own people. That is when the appointment of drafting a permanent committee with Dr. B.R Ambedkar took place.

It is when on 26th January, 1950 Rajendra Prasad got his hands on his first term of office as a President of the Indian Union.
On 26th January, 1950 people of India rejoiced at the scene of unfurling the Indian flag for the first time. From that day to till this day every 26th January the Governor of India unfurls the Indian flag and the President takes a salute on Republic Day at Rajpath in New Delhi.
Republic Day is celebrated with full enthusiasm and avidity. The famous Republic Day parade happens in New Delhi and is organized by the Ministry of Defence. On this day of Republic Day National bravery honors are given to the children who are honored for performing the outstanding deeds and these accolades are given by the Indian Council for Child Welfare.

Right now due to the current spike of COVID events there will be restrictions put up for the gathering of the Republic Day.
All I want to say is that the taste of freedom, the rejoicing of victory and strong visioned deep determination is what swept the brave hearts to make India what it is today.
India – the Golden Bird; always and forever.
Happy Republic Day!!!